Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You Know You're Getting Old When...

Okay, so my birthday was a couple weeks ago, and I'm now a quarter century old. That's not what makes me old, though. Three reasons my friends keep calling me old: I own a rocking chair without the excuse of having a baby, I bought a little skirt to wear with my bathing suit, and I go to water aerobics. I just turned 25, but I sound like I'm 75. For the record, however, water aerobics is a great workout, swim skirts are flattering and totally in this season, and everyone who comes to my apartment wants to sit in the rocking chair.


Karen said...

I think that just means you've already discovered the good stuff old people have discovered. All the older workers at the temple must be rubbing off on you.

Ang said...

I've been doing the swim skirts for years, bought a rocking chair way before I had children or was even married (I think I was 20)...and I love water aerobics. My point? You're not alone in your premature appreciation for some of the classics in life - they just don't go out of style...and I'd like to think, neither do we.